Saturday, December 31, 2011

Apple iPhone Storage Dilemma Continues

By Diogo Neves - Thu Dec 29, 2:00 am

?A couple of days ago, our own @dani2xll wrote an amazing piece on her adventures to get a new iPhone 4S. I won?t spoil it for you so hit the link and read the full thing (it?s worth it). Ok, you done reading that? Let me carry on then.

I was reading that post and I was saying to my self every 2 sentences how true everything written there was, but since this is a subject that I had thought before I was compelled to analyse it a little deeper. So after thinking for a while I have to say that I disagree with her and that I also agree. I?ll explain myself: I totally agree that more often than not storage is overrated. This isn?t bluntly written there, but it is implied. People care too much about a number and end up wasting money buying storage that they won?t need. However I don?t think a 16GB or even a 32GB iPhone is enough for everyone.

#1 -- It is absolutely true that I won?t have enough battery to enjoy 64GB of content in one charge, but it?s still a lot easier to carry a little power plug and a cable and charge the iPhone when I can than carrying a computer so I can change that content on the go.

#2 -- I think that taking 8GB of music, a 5GB movie and around 10GB of apps on an iPhone is perfectly normal, so the user can choose what game to play or what music to listen to while out and about. I may not have enough battery to consume it all in one go, but at least I can choose what to watch and not have to decide the day before while trying to guess what I?ll want to do with my phone the next day.

#3 -- The cool thing about a flash memory upgrade (be it an SSD or a USB stick or the internal memory of these devices) is that the smallest upgrade you can is to double your storage and that is amazing value for money. Specially in this fast paced tech world it?s a good investment to keep the device a little more future proof. The typical contract is around 2/3 years and in that time who knows how the storage needs will grow? Maybe a new and better audio format comes along but it takes a lot more space, or maybe the apps will grow a lot bigger due to some new amazing feature that they all want to implement or maybe movies will be 6D and they?ll take 20GB. In all seriousness though, an upgrade is always an upgrade and one that, at least, doubles your storage and gives you peace of mind about the future is worth it if you can afford it.

#4 -- This is a no brainer. As much as we?d like to be different the fact is that we are all lazy! We are the species that invented televisions and then went back to the white board to invent something to control it from the couch! We invent stuff to remove the workload from our backs all the times. All of the great inventions are meant to save us from some work and it?s just as the world works in general. On this specific issue though we are lazy because we don?t want to go through the hassle of revising and choosing and changing the content on our phone just because the storage isn?t enough. We just don?t want to put with that. I?m a geek and I?m to lazy to do that. Again, if you can afford a bigger storage capacity it?s worth it!

To finish I?d like to add that I own a 16GB iPhone 4. I?m perfectly happy with those 16GB and I would change to 32GB if I had the chance, but I never really felt that I needed more storage. The bottom line is that I don?t think that you should decide the storage capacity of your next iPhone based on what it can play in one charge, but rather what it needs to be to hold everything you?d want to have in there. I for one save all the music I want in my phone, plus photos and videos and apps and I always sit with at least 4GB free so I?m fine with that, but if you have a 20GB big music library getting the 16GB iPhone might not be the smartest move. Check what you need and what you realistically need and go with that.

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